Here are a number of helpful handouts and websites. Check back frequently for more! Also, check out my blog for frequent posts of resourses, research, activity ideas, and more!
Please come back soon for more information!
American Physical Therapy Association
The American Physical Therapy Association provides all the information you need to know about physical therapy
Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association
Neuro-Developmental Treatment is a hands-on, problem solving approach to therapy. Treatments involve direct handling and guidance to optimize function. The approach is guided by the child's reactions throughout every treatment session. Learn more by checking out their website!
Pathways is a wonderful resource for parents and healthcare professionals looking for information about child development and outcome-based research. They have wonderful handouts and videos with a wealth of great information!
United Cerebral Palsy educates, advocates, and provides support services for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities to ensure a life without limits.
Autism Speaks is an organization that funds research about Autism. They increase awareness of autism and advocate for individuals with autism and their families.
Sensory Processing Disorder Resource Center
Sensory Processing Disorder Resource Center provides extensive information about sensory processing disorders. They have wonderful explanations of this disorder and useful ideas to try with your child!
Abilitations/ School Specialty
Abilitations has great "therapy" toys and equipment.
Flaghouse provides inspiration with "therapy" toys and equipment. They also have many useful items for school and physical education.